On all unframed and stretched artwork ONLY all sizes. Order now!
Original Illustration
Illustration and the hand drawn is the keystone of Winding Road's practice. A 'beyond passionate' student and teacher of Architectural drafting throughout her studies and early career, Alicia now directs that loves of fine detail and monochrome pallet into elaborate and complex botanical compositions. The freeform of nature and the technical application make for creative interpretations and delicate pieces that convey movement and mood. The subject matter of the Alpine and Kiewa Valley is always the muse, and when asked why pen and not other mediums, Alicia's response is...
'...because the hand drawn sketch is always so immediate. The hand, the mind and the heart are all entwined at one moment in time to create a mark on paper that cannot be repeated. A fierce alchemical process happens within oneself to produce artwork. People who don't profess themselves to be creative don't understand the importance of the creative act for a creative professional. It's not a hobby or a nostalgic pastime.
We need to do it, like we need to breathe - or things will eventually and inevitably go awry..."
'Commissioned Illustration - Brisbane Botanical'
570 x 770 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024

250 x 250 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2023
'Kiewa Running'
520 x 240 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024

'Alpine Daisy's 2023-2024'
600 x 600 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024
Detail Repeat Pattern
'Alpine Daisy's 2023-2024'
600 x 600 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024
Detail Repeat Pattern

'Kiewa River'
520 x 240 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024
'Macrocarpa and Native Pepper Berry'
250 x 250 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024

'Kiewa Walk'
520 x 240 original illustration ink on paper
Alicia Marshall 2024

Current Collection
Currently all pieces are sold, but I'm always doing more.
So if you are interested, don't hesitate to drop me a line or check out the Insta page for all the current works available.